Hofseth spends 8 million NOK on researching wild salmon

This has been done in collaboration with Lakseelvene på Sunnmøre and the research institute NORCE. In this video, NORCE’s Head of Research, Marius Kambestad, explains the goals of this research and why it is important both for the ecosystems and for the future management of wild salmon. Support for Local Communities Hofseth is an active […]

Sustainable value chain all the way to the customer

Innovation Norway has decided to provide funding of up to 33.74 million Norwegian kroner to the project “Like Fresh at the Source – JustThaw800,” operated by Nye Icefresh AS. The funding consists of a grant of 20.34 million Norwegian kroner and a risk loan of 13.4 million Norwegian kroner. The goal is to transform the distribution of Norwegian fish globally through innovative thawing technology, shifting the transport of fish from air to sea.