Data protection declaration

Hofseth is responsible for the handling of personal data collected from this website.

Information Stored by Hofseth
Hofseth collects information from suppliers and customers, such as:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Contact person (including name, phone, and email address)

The information is collected via agreements or emails from the sender, as well as customer surveys from the existing customer base. It is voluntary to provide information in these cases, but lacking information may result in Hofseth being unable to provide the desired product or service.

Hofseth does not collect personal data such as birth and personal identification numbers from website visitors.

Purpose of Information Collection
The purpose of collecting information is to offer products, services, and information, as well as to improve existing products and services.

How Information is Stored
The information is stored in our customer and supplier systems.

How to Delete Information
Information is deleted upon request by contacting Hofseth directly. Deletion assumes that the request does not conflict with other legislation such as the Archive Act or the Accounting Act.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties
Personal data is not shared with external third parties. Hofseth may use subcontractors to provide data management programs for handling the collected information. Subcontractors may also in certain cases process personal data on behalf of Hofseth.

Information through Web Analytics and Cookies
Hofseth may use the analysis tool Google Analytics to analyze user behavior on this website.

Google Analytics may use cookies (small text files stored on the user’s computer) that record users’ IP addresses and provide information about individual users’ movements on the web, such as how many visits to different pages, how long the visits last, what websites the users come from, and what browsers are used.

An IP address is defined as personal data because it can be traced back to a specific piece of hardware and thus to an individual. Hofseth may use Google Analytics’ tracking code that anonymizes the IP address before the information is stored and processed by Google. Thus, the stored IP address cannot be used to identify the individual user.

Information via Social Media and Facebook
It is possible to comment on articles or set up reviews of Hofseth on the company’s Facebook page. Here, the sender’s name and profile will be publicly visible. This information will not be stored in our systems.

As a customer or supplier, you have the right to request access to the personal data we process, as well as how it is processed. You are entitled to a response within one month of the request being made. The request must be made in writing and signed. You can also request correction, deletion, and restrictions on the processing of personal data in accordance with applicable regulations. If the processing of personal data is based on consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time.

If you believe that Hofseth has not complied with your rights in accordance with applicable regulations, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. This can be done by sending a complaint to the Data Inspectorate, contact information is available at